• KONE Support

Manage access rights

  • If you are not access manager of your facility, your access rights can be modified by your facility manager or access manager. If you are access manager of your facility, your access rights can be modified by your facility manager.

    Please contact your access manager or your facility manager accordingly for more information.

  • You can manage your keys, both digital key and key tags, in KONE Flow app following the tutorial: Manage access settings: digital keys and key tags. Please contact your access manager or your facility manager if you are an access manager accordingly for modifying your access permissions.

  • If you are a main user, you can create smartphone keys for your family members in KONE Flow app under My People section following the tutorial Manage my people access.

    If you are uncertain about whether you are a main user of your facility or not, please check with your administrator.

  • You can grant a one-time access to your visitor. Please refer to Manage visitor access for detailed instruction.

Manage access rights


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